Victoria Plum Jam

Making plum jam each late summer/early autumn has turned into a bit of a tradition in our household and we aim to make enough jars to last us the whole year. My mum began making it years ago and has perfected a recipe to create the most delicious jam which she has taught me. Victoria plums are in season right now and many believe that these make the best jam. However jam can of course be made with any sort of plums, even those bought out of season from the supermarket. Continue reading

Madeira Cake

A classic English sponge cake, madeira cake is very simple to make. It is quite plain, has a firm texture and is flavoured with the most subtle hint of lemon or orange. I have based my recipe on one of the earliest published recipes by Eliza Acton in her 1845 Modern Cookery for Private Families. Continue reading

Victorian Mixed Berry Turnover

We had an unpleasant surprise in the kitchen this morning. Our fridge/freezer had been accidently turned off at the plug (not pointing a finger at anyone in particular…) and overnight everything inside had been slowly defrosting. Realising we had a surplus of food to use up, I quickly tried to think of something speedy and simple I could make. Flicking through my trusty collection of Mrs Beeton’s recipes (from her 1861 Book of Household Management), I came across one entitled “Fruit Turnovers (Suitable for Picnics)”. Perfect to use up the thawed puff pastry and mixed berries! I adapted the recipe slightly to create my own modern version of this simple, but tasty, pastry.

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